Saturday, April 29, 2006

other observations

yesterday, while we were at dinner (a smoking-hot waiter served us--mama mia!), another american couple sat in the same room as us. the man seemed to have a great grasp of the italian, but the woman did not have the gift of being a polyglot. so, instead of walking up to the waiter to ask for mustard, she whistled for him. like she was calling for a dog. i almost fell out of my chair i was laughing so hard. why do people do that.

there are no streets or sidewalks in italy, they are all the same thing. you walk in the street and you drive on the sidewalk. the law says you have to miss pedestrians by 1 meter. gee. that makes me feel better.

everything in italy also takes 10 mee-nutes. you walk somewhere, it takes 10 mee-nutes. you catch a bus, 10 mee-nutes. there seems to be a space-time continuum issue here. or the laws of physics do not apply. i cannot be sure.

tim is getting fabulous with his italian. he really is picking up the language rather well. i am very impressed.

we met a lady from australia yesterday. she is traveling around the world for three months. she said she wanted to do it before she gets too old. how brave. she is doing it by herself!

i should go check on the laundry. until tomorrow. caio!

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