Steps walked: 17,897
Miles walked: 6.62
Crepes devoured: 2 for this trip
We're off to a relaxing start on this vacation.Usually we go-go-go, but today we saw a few things, sat down and people watched for a while, then walked a little more. The weather is brisk without being too cold and with the addition of the sun today, it made for a very enjoyable Parisian day.
We started the day with a walk/Metro ride to the Eiffel Tower. We went around the back way, so we walked through a long park (where Tim managed to stay bird poop-free), so we got lots of great shots. And muddy shoes.
When we got to the ticket line, we all got a little weary. The lines were HUGE. People lined up belly button to asshole, freezing and ducking the pidgeons. We decided to pass.
Luckily, there was a Christmas market just across the Seine in the Trocadero. What a fun place.

After the market, we went to Rue Cler (pronounced: Roo Clare). It's a market street we loved the last time we were in Paris. Unfortunately, we didn't read our guidebook (always should read the guidebook) and most of the shops were closed on Mondays.

By the time the group was done with their tour, it was time for dinner and the Hard Rock Cafe was at the top of our list. It was loud and cozy, but the service was great, our waiter had an excellent sense of humor and, the best part, the bathroom stall door had a plaque on it that said, "No drugs or nuclear weapons allowed."
We parted ways with the group again after dinner. They're all going on an early tour of the Loire Valley tomorrow and needed to get to bed. Tim and I wandered around. And of course we ended up in the Red Light District. Not on purpose. I promise.
It was funny, we weren't sure exactly what "area" we were in. There aren't exactly signs advertizing. At first we saw a woman in a very short skirt smoking in a door way. Everyone here is wearing short skirts (Tim and Tony don't have a problem with this) and most people have to step outside to smoke, so we really didn't think anything of it. But a few feet down, we saw another group of women, dressed similarly, and then another group, then another. Soon, I realized I was the only woman on that street dressed for winter.
But, never did I feel unsafe. Only uncomfortable. Like I showed up to a fancy occasion wearing jeans and my alumni T-shirt.
It's time for bed now. Our tiny apartment is cozy and the bed super comfy. It's calling me.
What... no picture of the bathroom sign? LOL, so glad you guys had a good flight and are having a great time so far (and no snow, too!).